Before buying a bike for your child make sure to measure their inseam.
Balance bike size for 3 year old.
A bike that is too big for your child might lead to overall frustration and impair their ability to learn to balance on a bike.
Kids this age will do best on a 14 balance bike although i ve also included a few 12 bikes with larger frames and higher maximum seat heights.
If your child is 3 years old most 12 bikes will fit them just fine.
These extra inches will allow the balance bike to fit your child for at least 2 to 3 years or until they move up to a regular kid s bike.
To allow room for growth you should purchase a bike with a maximum seat height that is at least 2 above the child s current inseam.
Most 8 and 9 year olds will fit on a 20 inch wheel bike.
Meanwhile a 10 year old or older will likely use the 24 inch size.
For kids between ages 3 1 2 4 years of age it is important to measure their height and inseam and get a bike that fits in their inseam range.
As it is designed to fit older kids it is the best bike for 4 year olds in this review.
Balance bike sizes refer to the wheel size not the frame size.
For children 2 and under or children over the age of 4 measure carefully.
If you re worried about what size bike to get don t worry as many companies will offer bikes based on age giving a rough range of ages that the bike.
Some of them we haven t but they are so universally known as a great purchase i ve included them as well.
Best bike for 3 year olds buyer s guide.
This section will serve as a reminder of the things you need to take note of before putting your money down for a 3 year old s bike.
However the strider 14xs can also be used as a bike for a 5 7 year old if they were not interested in a balance bike when they were a toddler.
The best size bike for a 4 year old is either a 12 inch or 16 inch wheel depending on their height.
Balance bikes for 2 year olds and up.
Balance bikes are still recommended for 3 year olds as they may not be ready yet for the variants that make use of pedals.
I ve compiled a list of the best bikes for your 3 to 5 year old i e.
Similarly the right size bike for a 5 year old falls into that same range.
12 inch and 14 inch bicycles.
Buy for the now and not for the future.